Jika Chocolat takes you on a journey to experience the finest Indonesian Single Origin Chocolates.

Using beans from all over Indonesia, with Jika you’ll taste a wide variety of curated flavors from hand-picked regions.

Single Origin Chocolate means that the beans are sourced from individual regions in one country. Jika started with four regions in Indonesia: Aceh, Bali, Gorontalo and West Papua. Each region produces a distinct flavor profile that reflects the origin, purity, and characteristics of the region the beans are grown.

Our Single Origin bars reveal each distinctive personality of their region and territory.

Jika Chocolat Single Origin Bali 72% dark chocolate

Single Origin Chocolate Dark Chocolate Bar

Grown in the tropical region of Jembrana, Bali, this cocoa is a balanced blend of fruity and bitter notes. The naturally diverse ecosystem of Bali produces this distinct flavor in its cocoa beans.

A true Single Origin ‘grand cru’, as it gathers flavors of tropical fruits, berries, citrus, and coconut. Its deep character makes it a good choice for real chocolate aficionados who appreciate it for its natural taste.

Jika Chocolat Single Origin Papua 75% dark chocolate

This dark chocolate bar is made from beans sourced in Ransiki, on the northern tip of West Papua.

The volcanic terrain produces a bean uniquely bold in taste. It is a mix of complexity with intriguing earthiness, along with notes of nuts, fresh leaves, and bursts of spices. This bar is velvety without bitterness, making it absolutely decadent.

Jika Chocolat Single Origin Aceh 77% dark chocolate

Hailing from the special Aceh region of the northwest tip of Sumatra, this chocolate gives your tastebuds an intense and subtle flavor.

Coming from an exceptional, rare, and fine variety of cocoa beans from small plantations of the Aceh lands, full-bodied juicy red fruit notes with spices are expressed in this dark bar giving it a balanced profile.

Otanaha 70% dark chocolate with Aren Sugar

Aren sugar has been traditionally produced in Gorontalo, Sulawesi for their local cuisine. This bar has a distinct rich caramel taste that compliments the flavors of our chocolate perfectly.